As a child,
Justin was one of nine siblings. They were all homeschooled and had the freedom to pursue various creative passions. At eleven years old, Justin was handed his first yoyo by his Filipino nanny. (Yoyo comes from the Philippines and means "come-come" in Tagalog) In the USA, the yoyo trend was in full gear and many children played for a while until the excitement wore off. For Justin, the excitement only grew. He kept practicing and began competing in local competitions.
By fifteen,
he secured a sponsorship with Yomega and the highlight was his first trip to Japan to yoyo at a toy and comic book convention. He was hooked on the culture, and began studying the language, spurred by the desire to communicate with the talented, Japanese yoyoers at contests who had become his friends. He regularly attended the World Yoyo Contest, placing 2nd in his 1A division at his peak. He was known for his smooth and funky style and his frequent foot tricks.
In college,
Justin chose to study art and design at the University of Delaware. Immersion into his creative development spilled over into his pursuit of yoyo, transforming his focus from the "sport" side of things to the realms of artistic expression. An excellent illustrator, Justin began merging drawn and fantastical elements into his performances. He began competing in the Artistic Division of the World Yoyo Contest, placing 2nd for his "Werewolf" routine that featured a two sided mask.
Moving to New York,
in 2013 opened up a world of vast possibility. A longtime circus lover, Justin saw potential in the yoyo fitting into this realm of creative performance. He began participating in variety shows that welcomed developing artists. He honed other skills such and juggling, unicycling, and miming. He began learning more about dance and physical comedy. Rich creative community and numerous connections began guiding his way, opening up more chances to grow and perform.
An aspiring artist,
Justin now appears regularly in variety and burlesque shows around NYC and Brooklyn. In 2015 he was on the cast of the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. He is a member of New York Yoyo Club and teaches circus programs in schools with National Circus Project and Big Apple Circus. He entertains at parties, festivals, and even a shuffleboard club in Brooklyn called Royal Palms. This April, he will debut his full length yoyo show, Wacky of Wallabazoo: A Yoyo Boy's Adventure. As Justin continues to merge his visual and performance art, his fantastical creative vision becomes available to the world and there's no telling what might happen next.